Taralabs The Caprice

Taralabs The Caprice


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The Caprice is constructed using multiple Polyethylene tubes that are grouped together with the positive and negative conductors helixed around the center tube.  The Caprice (at 14 pF per foot) is revealing enough to have excellent resolution of fine detail, as well as high frequency extension with rich mid-range. The cable design and geometry of the tubes creates an interconnect cable that has excellent musicality in the extreme high-frequencies.

  • RCA («Torque-Lock») or XLR
  • RSC® SA-OF8N® copper conductors.
  • Hand polished 99.999999% pure copper conductor
  • Natural fiber spacers.
  • All hand-crafted in Oregon, USA and lifetime guaranteed
  • Excellent musicality
  • High frequency extension, full mid and bass
  • 14 pF (cable capacitance measured in picofarads / pF)

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